PT. Avia Tehnik Solusindo is a national private company engaged in aircraft repair and wholesale trading of air transportation equipment, spare parts and equipment.
PT. Avia Tehnik Solusindo was established on May 13, 2022 with Business Identification Number: 1905220066706 KBLI
33153 which has been issued by the Ministry of Investment
of the Republic of Indonesia and has been approved as a
Limited Liability Company (PT. AVIA TEHNIK SOLUSINDO)
by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic
of Indonesia with Number: AHU-0032287.AHA.01.01.Year
2022, set in Jakarta on 18 May 2022.
The background of the establishment of PT. Avia Tehnik
Solusindo started with a series of experiences that were
full of challenges and high demands on responsibility and
dedication in the field of aircraft repair, especially aircraft
interior maintenance consisting of sewing, laminating and
We are a verified company and have passed the certification process and are registered as a company that has an AMO (Approved Maintenance Organization) certificate with AMO number 145D-1055 in Indonesia
PT. Avia Tehnik Solusindo do not only provide aircraft repair services, but we put more emphasis on the solutions we can provide for customer satisfaction. Starting from the provision of spare parts and equipment, so that customers will get added value of trust in our company.